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When knee pain isn't about the knee

When is back of knee pain not about the knee?

My client today complained about knee pain. The back of her knee was swollen and sore. Her daily hikes had stopped because she was hobbling. She'd iced it, avoided pillows under her knee, rested, but nothing helped. Was there anything I could recommend?

What I recommended was having her consult with our massage therapist, Ofir. Her previous career as a registered nurse has given Ofir insight into the human body.

The knee pain started in the back of the knee but radiated and wrapped around her entire knee. But Ofir discovered the problem wasn't her knee but her psoas muscle. (soh-us s)

Quad and Psoas gentle stretch at home


If you're having knee, leg or back pain it may be your Psoas muscle.


What is the psoas muscle?

It's a major muscle group. It's divided into deep and superficial muscles. The psoas extends from the side of the spinal column to the upper end of the femur. It's part of the muscles called the hip flexors.

Tightness in the Psoas

"Tightness of the psoas can result in spasms or lower back pain by compressing the lumbar discs." - Wikipedia" Psoas Major Muscle".

But in our clients case the tightness was pulling at the back of her knee. Why? The tight psoas pulled the knee out of place making it unstable and difficult to walk.

Ofir offered immediate relief by stretching her rectus femoris. She also showed the client simple quad stretches.


Important to note:

When the psoas is already tight stretches can be painful.

Be gentle, be patient, and don't overstretch.


What can we do?

Ofir offers Psoas release massages. But the muscle gets accustomed its off-balance, crooked position. After only one session the muscle returns to it's off balance state. So it takes a several massages to retrain the muscles and create new muscle memory. We recommend a series of Psoas release massages.


A series of Massages will retrain the muscles and

create new muscle memory.


Chinese Medicine

Dr Karen offers Acupuncture treatments to Chinese Medicine to improve the flexibility of the psoas muscles. Acupuncture is successful because it helps regulate the body’s autonomic nervous system.

Acupuncture speeds up the healing process by increasing blood flow to the area. This then assists in clearing away inflammatory by-products (lactic acid and damaged cells.) It increases neuro- transmitters called endorphins. Edorphins help your body with pain management, stress reduction and relaxation.


Acupuncture helps to improve pain management, increase circulation,

reduce stress and speed up healing.


Stretching at home

Gentle, daily stretches combined with Massage and Acupuncture, will bring quicker improvement. And longer lasting results. Ofir showed our client simple Psoas stretches that will improve and maintain her mobility.

Daily quad stretches will stretch hip flexors and psoas, and over time, release the tight psoas muscle.

It's important to note: Once the client is back to her long walks she will need to continue her daily stretches. This will prevent the psoas from going out balance again.

I love working at a spa. I learn so much. And since I spend a lot of time sitting during a facial I realize my quads and psoas are suffering. Time to make my appointments.


If you drive or sit a lot, you're at risk of having your Psoas tighten on you.

If you're suffering from knee, lower back or leg pain it's time to schedule an appointment. Acupuncture and Massage will make a world of difference.

You can schedule online or call 818-248-5500 to book your appointment with our experts: Ofir, CMT, and Dr. Karen, OMD.


Book your Restorative Massage and Acupuncture appointments online.


We look forward to seeing you at Tuscany Spa


For more psoas information visit:

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