My vacation pics looked great. I was masked in the photos. The only thing you could see were my eyes, but they looked fabulous. I looked fabulous!
All because of a new No Sting LASH LIFT 'n TINT Formula!
Diana discovered this new system. I got to be a "guinea pig". So did her colleagues at Liaf Collective.
Ready to try a LASH LIFT 'n TINT?
Diana and Alison at Liaf Collective have perfected their Lash Lift system. And they're ready to get you camera ready. Book your appointment at Liaf Collective.
You'll love ❤️ your lashes too.
My lashes BEFORE the LASH Lift...
My lashes AFTER the LASH LIFT.
I didn't realize I had such luscious lashes. And this will last 6 weeks. Woohoo. I'm loving it.