Have we changed how we are booking our appointments?
We have to make adjustments due to our new and updated disinfection procedures.
Has there been a change to the services?
There has been a service prices change - the new menu is listed here.
Due to new protocols, some services will not be offered or will only be offered along with other services.
We're no longer offering discounts on individual services.
Discounts will only be available through 6 month memberships, packages or series offers.
Services, memberships and packages charged at old prices will be expected to pay the difference in cost.
What are the changes to scheduling appointments?
We will have 30 minute disinfection breaks between clients.
We'll prevent crowding by spacing out appointments with each esthetician and massage therapist.
The most effective way to do this is for the spa team to book the appointments and keep an eye on the whole spa schedule.
You can no longer book your appointments directly or immediately.
Your appointment request is placed in our waitlist.
How are we now scheduling appointments?
When booking appointments online now, you REQUEST your preferred appointment date and time. You can do this online - https://go.booker.com/location/TuscanySpaSkinBodyClinic
If you call for an appointment, you're added to the request list.
The REQUEST option puts you on our wait-list. My spa team and I will schedule appointments only from the REQUEST wait-list.
First come first serve. We will go through wait-list based on first come, first served.
This system will be in place for rest of the year to maintain distancing and safety.
Update your correct email and phone number. If we cant reach you, we cant book you.
Add or update your credit card on file. All charges are now done online to limit exposure. So a credit card must be on our system.
Can I get an immediate appointment or walk-in for an appointment?
We're focused on rebooking canceled appointments then booking from our waitlist
First appointments to be booked will be all those we cancelled due to the stay-at-home order. We're starting with March and moving forward.
Return our calls and emails asap so we can get appointments rebooked. If you do not need an appointment please let us know.
Will there be changes to appointments already scheduled in advance?
Existing appointments will move or changed to fit in with the new safety standards. We will contact you to let you know what changes are necessary.
Is there anything I need to do before my appointment?
We need you to fill out the Covid19 liability waiver BEFORE EACH APPOINTMENT. It states you're not experiencing symptoms, not exposed to coronavirus. If you don't get the document when you book your appointment you can download the google doc from here.
Confirm your appointments. When you to confirm you're coming in, this helps us better plan our schedule and get everyone in.
If you feel sick or have been exposed to covid19, flu or any illness, CANCEL YOUR APPOINTMENT IMMEDIATELY.
What's required on the day of my appointment?
Please arrive on time. You can call us to let us know you've arrived.
Wait outside the spa or in your car. We will unlock the door 5 minutes before your appointment time. (Do NOT ring the bell)
Do not bring guests or kids! We can only accommodate clients with appointments.
Masks are required. When you enter the spa you must be wearing a face mask. You'll not be allowed to enter the spa without one.
Temperature gauge. Your temperature will be taken with an infrared thermometer before entering the spa.
Remove your shoes. You'll be required to remove your shoes or wear a shoe cover before entering the spa.
Use hand sanitizer. We will have hand sanitizers throughout the spa for your use.
What are the updated Spa Safety Protocols?
We'll have 30 minute Disinfection breaks between each client. This allows a half hour to clean up, this includes:
Removing and washing all linens used after each service. (We did this already but it's still good to point it out.)
Disinfecting implements, and resetting the room.
Also disinfecting all surfaces and door handles in the spa room.
As well as disinfecting reception area, the loo and all door handles.
All spa team members have retaken the Barbacide Covid19 Disinfection training. And we use fresh disinfecting Barbacide daily.
Staff are wearing protective face coverings during the services.
Staff continue to make regular use of soap and water.
Staff are wearing disposable gloves throughout a facial.
If anyone of my spa team is filling unwell, WE WILL CANCEL THE APPOINTMENT IMMEDIATELY.
Let us know - IN ADVANCE - if you need to change or cancel your appointment. - If you don't show up without notifying us in advance, I will charge you the full price. My staff are amazing and their time valuable and in demand.
Has checking out after my treatment changed?
We need your credit card stored on our system. It's stored in a safe system and processed by Vantiv/WorldPay.
Prices for services and memberships have increased. This covers the added costs incurred with covid19 safety protocols and scheduling.
If you need to add products or gratuity, please let us know before we complete the checkout.
We will charge the credit card on file and email your receipt.
How can I help your small-biz stay in business and continue to be my self-care space?
Share your experience. We want to know what did and what didn't work. Your feedback helps us improve.
Refer your friends. We're working to build back up and your referrals help us grow. Plus I've added amazing new staff that will wow your friends.
Spread the good word. Reviews are our lifeblood. An honest, fair review lets future clients know what to expect and what we offer.
Google reviews improve our SEO.
Yelp reviews improve calls.
Facebook reviews get those on the fence to request an appointment.
Reviews help me to help my spa team. They've missed you. And they've missed out on work. I know you'll agree, I've got the best team of people. So let's share the good word about them.
Buy our skin and body care products. We have the finest cruelty-free, pharmaceutical grade skincare that offers amazing results. Plante based cruelty-free hair care for thinning hair. Plus other unique speciality items.
Rebook your next appointments before you leave.
Are you following Federal, State and Local Laws?
Staying safe and healthy is most important. So we will follow all the protocols. If there are changes, I'll let you know how this affects Tuscany Spa and your appointments with us.
We're reopening on June 30th. To keep in the know about new services and spotlights - add yourself to our email list.
Are you sharing my Name and Number?
No. Not unelss we're required by the state/city to share you name and phone number for skip tracing.
If this information's requested by the state, please know we will share it. It's the best way to find infection clusters and slow the spread.
If you're not comfortable with this, I completely understand. Which is why I'm letting you know how we'll proceed. Thanks for your understanding.
These changes will be adapted and updated as we go forward. Thanks for your patience and continued support of our small business.
Stay Safe and Healthy
Michelle of Tuscany Spa