Michelle G. Lathe, L.E.

2 min

What to do if your DIY spice facial goes horribly wrong

Insider tips with Michelle - What to do if your DIY spice facial goes horribly wrong

DIY at-home pumpkin facials are hydrating, messy and fun. And a lot of people enjoy experimenting with DIY natural facials. But be careful if you're adding in spices and scents as they can be irritating. Especially cinnamon and clove.

FYI: Essential oils are volatile organic compounds.

So both spices and essential oils can create a chemical burn on the skin.

If you have a negative reaction here are some simple tips.

Tips to counter a negative skin reaction

  • Wash it off immediately with mild cleaner and cool water.

  • For acid peels, neutralize with 1 TBLSPN Baking soda dissolved in 1 cup of water, rinse the skin in this solution to stop the burning sensation. Rinse in cool water. Follow with aloe gel.

  • For spice burns use cool milk to soothe burning sensations. Follow with Aloe gel.

  • Treat your skin as if you had a bad sunburn - avoid scrubs, heat and acids.

  • For next 3+ days, switch to a mild routine - gentle milky cleanser, soothing moisturizer and sunscreen.

  • If skin feels raw or has raw spots, apply petrolatum or Vaseline twice a day for 3 days straight. Or buy our LRS capsules and use those twice a day for 3 days.

  • Perform a patch test FIRST before applying any homemade treatments. A great way to check for sensitivity. Want to learn how to do a patch test? Read on for more info.

Please note: If the condition persists or worsens, see your md or dermatologist.

Plain canned pumpkin puree can be used in your own homemade mask. Make sure to avoid any pre-flavored or pre-spiced product. Also patch test it on your skin before you apply it all over your face and body. A patch test will let you know if you have a sensitivity or allergy to a product or ingredient.

How to do a patch test?

Apply a small amount, on clean skin behind your ear.

Leave it on for 10 to 20 minutes. Rinse.

Check your skin in 24 and 48 hours.

Negative reactions include hives, persistent redness, swelling, hot to the touch. If this happens use the above tips on the patch test area. See you MD if it doesnt improve. And then...


If you don't have a reaction after a patch test, then you can confidently use it on your face.

Let me know how this tips work for you, and if you have any questions.

Michelle of Tuscany Spa


#tips #ingredients #selfcheck
